Development Permits
You will need a development permit if you are: Development Permit Form
a) adding a structure to your property (new residence, garage, shed (if over 110 sq ft), fence, deck, etc); or
b) altering the exterior of your property (doors, windows, decks, etc); or,
c) changing the use of your property (from farmland to resident or residential to commercial) without rezoning the property.
PLEASE CALL Alberta One Call at: 1-800-242-3447 OR http://albertaonecall.com/ before you dig!!
The request to have buried utilities identified and marked prior to an excavation is called a Locate Request.
When you submit a Locate Request, a Damage Prevention Associate in our contact center uses the information you provide to determine which companies have a buried utility registered with Alberta One-Call in your dig area.
Alberta One-Call records all information related to your locate request on a Ticket. Your Ticket is sent to each registered utility owner (Members of Alberta One-Call) affected by your excavation. You will be provided with the Ticket Number associated with your request. Within two full working days, the notified utility owners or their approved contract locator will contact you, or will visit the site to mark the location of the buried lines using water-soluble paint or flags. They will leave a document called a “Locate Slip” on site. Locate Slips include an explanation of the markings made on the ground, a drawing of buried lines in conflict with the dig area and instructions on how to dig safely.
The Village has contracted with Superior Safety Codes, Red Deer to provide building, electrical, plumbing and gas inspection services.
If you require a permit for any of these please contact:
Superior Safety Codes Inc.
3, 6264 - 67 A Street
Red Deer, Alberta T4P 3E8
Email: info@superiorsafetycodes.com
Phone: +1 403 358 5545
Fax: +1 403 358 5085
Toll Free Ph: +1 888 358 5545
Toll Free Fax: +1 866 358 5085