Forestburg History
Forestburg is a village located in east-central Alberta, Canada. The rich farmland of the area was first settled in 1905. Soon after the first of many "gopher hole" mines, homesteaders were soon coal mining on the banks of the Battle River in 1907.
Forestburg's economy is based on agriculture, coal mining, oil and gas activity, and power generation. With approximately 75 businesses, the rate of employment is good. Forestburg has a good variety of retail and services, with major employment by Atco Power Ltd. and Westmoreland Coal. The village is the headquarters of the Battle River Railway, a co-operative railway established in 2009.
To learn more about Forestburg’s history, visit:
Forestburg & District Museum
Location: 4707 – 50 Street.
Please call 780-582-3790 to obtain museum hours of operation or to make arrangements for a tour if the museum is not open.
Diplomat Mine Interpretive Site
Location: 8 km west and 8 km south of Forestburg on Highway 855.
See the Marion 360 stripping shovel, the star attraction in Canada’s only museum devoted to surface coal mining.
Yesterday and Years Ago History Book
Forestburg History Book
Reprint - Yesterday and Years Ago – hardcover, 960 pages, black and white - $50
New – Yesterday and Years Ago…Our Story Continues – hardcover, 760 pages, full colour - $50
Being able to sell the books well below cost is due to the generous support of:
Community Initiatives Program New Horizons for Seniors Program
and more than 30 individual, business and corporate sponsors.
Please call the office for more information: 780-582-3668